Dear Husband, love of my life, I’m writing to explain
What’s happened to your lovely wife, I haven’t gone insane
It’s a temporary madness, I’ll soon be right as rain
But my body has been ambushed by the hormones in my brain
I’m going through the menopause, I know it sounds cliche
But anything you say or do might go down the wrong way
I’d give me a wide berth, yes I’d keep a low profile
You’re walking round on eggshells so I’d tiptoe for a while
I’m going through the change of life, in a state of turmoil
Hot flushes keep erupting, this volcano’s on the boil
I haven’t slept a wink for weeks, don’t bait this raging bull
I might explode and you could get a monumental earful
My universe is foggy, thoughts vanish in thin air
I walk into another room and wonder why I’m there
What did I come in for? What was I meant to do?
I stand there feeling frightened, haven’t got a bloody clue
This transition is unpleasant, my head is in a vice
I wish I didn’t feel like this, it isn’t very nice
I’m feeling fat and bloated and my hair is getting thin
And age spots and wrinkles keep appearing on my skin
My boobs are sore and tender and my joints ache all the time
I’m going to have to face it, I’m no longer in my prime
My self esteem is plummeting, it’s at an all time low
And worst of all it’s looking like I’ve lost my libido
So I’ve been to see the doctor, she was patient and kind
She said it’s very common to think you’ve lost your mind
She’s given me some patches, I’m already feeling better
I know it’s been tough going, hence the reason for this letter
I’m in my second spring now, approaching a new phase
Good riddance to the bloom of youth and reproductive days
I’m beginning a new chapter of self discovery
Praise be to the scientists, thank gould for HRT!