I’ve acquired a pussy cat, much to my dismay
I certainly didn’t want one, it just sort of came my way
Harry came from Harwich where he lived with Auntie Pat
But Auntie has been taken ill so I’ve acquired a cat
I don’t like cats, they bite and scratch and cover you in fur
They kill our little birdies so it’s doggies I prefer
But no-one else could take him in, I said I’d have a chat
I guess our hearts went out to him, so now we’ve got a cat
I think we’re going to like him though, he’s settled in so well
And he won't be killing birdies 'cos I’ve given him a bell
He doesn’t bite or scratch, just purrs happily all day
And he’s very clean and tidy with the dreaded litter tray
And what they say is rubbish, cats and dogs don’t fight
They seem to love each other, they bonded at first sight
He cuddles up with Charly and gives a little groom
There’s so much love between them, they need to get a room!
I never thought I’d have a cat, it’s funny how life goes
It’s almost like it’s meant to be – is it destiny? Who knows!