I Hate Myself in Photos
I hate myself in photos, I’m sure that can’t be me
That’s not how I see myself, not who I want to be
I don’t recognise that woman, that’s not who I am inside
I know they say it never does but the camera must have lied
When I see a camera pointing, I pull a silly grin
Which creases up my eyes and highlights my double chin
I think I feel self conscious - how to strike the perfect pose?
I never quite worked out which angle minimised my nose
I somehow never mastered how to pull the perfect pout
I guess my lips need plumping and the cracks need ironing out
Should I tilt my head coquettishly?
Should I point my chin up high?
Should I thrust my hips forward?
Should I breathe a sultry sigh?
Should I stand slightly at an angle?
Should I elongate my neck?
No, I can’t be bothered
I’m just going to accept
I’m not a supermodel - truer word was never said
No-one’s ever paid me just to get out of my bed!
So I’m going to try harder o be less critical
Try hard to love myself with all my warts and all
Embrace my ageing features, try not to be so vain
Let’s face it, I’m younger now than I’ll ever be again
Now I come to think of it when I see old photographs today
Ones I know I hated then - I think I looked okay
So maybe all I need to do with photos that I hate
Is refuse to see them straight away, be patient, just wait
Cast forward forty years or so, I’ll think that I look great
I’ll think I’m young and gorgeous now
- if I get to 98!
Photogenics was published in the June 2024 issue of Lighten Up Online (issue 66)